775 Yard Street, Suite 350
Columbus, OH 43212
Give Us A Ring
614 826-8004 Office
614 327-5322 On-call
Our model of working with regionally located healthcare systems with similar needs allows us to proactively weave our compliance and recruiting processes together. As a result, our candidates are ready to begin work shortly after submission.
Our client-first approach means we don't plug a healthcare professional into a facility just to fill the position. Instead, we find a candidate that is the best fit for a facility’s needs. This results in a high assignment completion and retention rate.
Because we recruit for quality by fitting the perfect traveler to the perfect assignment, our professionals choose to stay with Pluto and their facility longer, resulting in higher stability and lower traveler turnover in your workplace.
We cut fees by trimming the need for MSPs in small to mid-sized health systems. These savings go directly back into their pocket, allowing health systems to better their facilities instead of wasting money on unnecessary fees. And we charge no permanent placement fee should a facility want to bring on a Pluto traveler permanently.
The current managed service provider model for healthcare staffing was built to service large, multi-hospital integrated health systems. With this, staffing agencies naturally prioritize contracts at the largest healthcare systems that will put the most money in their pockets. Unfortunately, this leaves small to mid-sized healthcare systems de-prioritized and with inadequate healthcare staffing solutions, creating an undue hardship on communities nationwide. These smaller healthcare providers thus serve as feeder locations for the staffing needs of larger health systems. Luckily, we’ve found a solution suited to small to mid-sized healthcare systems.
Pluto Healthcare is changing the game by reducing facility reliance on managed service providers to fill their open positions. By working directly with healthcare systems in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia, we are cutting the middleman out of the staffing equation and bringing timely, quality staffing solutions to our community at a reduced cost to hospitals.
Through our direct staffing service, our facilities have found reliable staffing for their nursing and allied programs. Because we source regionally based healthcare professionals familiar with the needs of the facilities we serve, our travelers seamlessly integrate with permanent staff creating a happier, more productive work environment that our travelers want to stay in.
Our Business Development leader, Neil Garver, is ready to help your facility improve its staffing and cut costs. Drop in your details below and he will reach out to you shortly.
775 Yard Street, Suite 350
Columbus, OH 43212
614 826-8004 Office
614 327-5322 On-call
Copyright © 2025 Pluto Healthcare Staffing, LLC. All rights reserved.